Size Unframed: 19cm Wide | 19cm High | 19cm Deep

Artist: bdch7


Black Void

Black Void is a minimalist artwork that delves into the concept of emptiness and nothingness. Measuring 19cm x 19cm, this piece invites the viewer to contemplate the vast expanse of a black void. The absence of color in this artwork is striking, leaving the viewer with nothing to hold onto or anchor themselves in. The flatness of the surface further emphasizes the lack of depth, creating a sense of a void that goes on infinitely. The uniformity of the blackness in Black Void is both eerie and captivating. It is as if the viewer is staring into a bottomless pit, a void that swallows everything in its path. The silence depicted in this artwork only adds to the feeling of stillness and emptiness. The lack of any visual elements other than the black void itself further reinforces the sense of quiet contemplation that this piece evokes. One of the most intriguing aspects of Black Void is its immensity. The sheer vastness of the black void gives the impression of an infinite space, stretching out into eternity. It is as if the viewer is facing the unknown, the mysterious, and the unknowable. The emptiness in Black Void is not just a physical absence of light, but a metaphysical representation of the void that exists within all of us. In conclusion, Black Void is a thought-provoking artwork that challenges the viewer to confront the emptiness and nothingness that lies within the depths of existence. It is a powerful reminder of the infinite possibilities that exist in the absence of light and form, and a contemplation of the mysteries that lie beyond our understanding.

SKU: 190 Artwork: 2950 Category: Tags: , , ,
Art Provenance

Owner Sales Provenance Chain

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following may contain images, names and voices of people who have died

Artist: bdch7


Black Void

Black Void is a minimalist artwork that delves into the concept of emptiness and nothingness. Measuring 19cm x 19cm, this piece invites the viewer to contemplate the vast expanse of a black void. The absence of color in this artwork...

Sold:- 07/08/24


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